Friday, August 24, 2012

Tennis Elbow

Third year of kenjitsu finally paid off with Tennis Elbow.  Usually I'm  getting  smashed knuckles.  It is fortunate that my head still in place and it can be used to control stretching exercises, which I can start to do right away.


Bend the wrist forward and backward as far as you can.
10 times x 3 sets.


Keep the elbow at your side and keep your elbow bent 90 degrees throughout the whole exercise.
Bring the palm facing up.
Hold 5 seconds.
Turn palm down.
Hold 5 seconds.
10 times x 3 sets.

Keep the elbow at your side (palm to hip)
Slowly bring your palm up to your shoulder and bend your elbow as far as you can.
Straighten your elbow out as far as you can.
10 times x 3 sets.

There is a few exercises when you are almost pain free. I hope to cover them later.
By the way - Elbow strap really helps to keep pain out while you are doing these exercises. My "hand model" does not have any problems with her elbow and does not wear it.

Another solution is to join NRA. I'm not sure if they have family discounts...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Life South t-shirt

I donated blood today. Finally Life South decided to change their  t-shirts design, which intended to celebrate the donation. I stopped taking the t-shirts from Life South a long time ago. I accepted this one with great pleasure.

Hook kick.

I think I finally understood how to do a hook kick. It does not solve the problem ;-).
I started to think from Outside Crescent, which I can perform. Well, almost can.
It is almost impossible  to tell, but the vital difference is what you're actually striking with.
A Hook Kick strikes with the heel(at least it must be more powerful) or sole(least powerful, but still...) of the foot. An Outside Crescent strikes with the edge portion(knife edge?) of the foot.
The Crescent uses more of the hip for power while the
Hook uses more of the butt and hamstrings for power since the angle is different.
And here comes the problem with my hamstrings........

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hook kick

Thinking about how to improve my hook kick. Well, honestly speaking improvement is very strong word in my case.  Nothing really suitable online. All videos are coming with explanation something like "my way of doing..." Ya, right.